Wisconsin United Roller Derby

New Skater FAQs

Are you Derby Curious? Nervous because you’re not sure you’ll be able to stand on skates? (Don’t be, we’ll teach you at the level you’re at) Wondering if we’re going to hip-check you immediately? (We won’t) Worried you’ll fall down? (You will, but we’ll make sure you fall safely)

Find your answers by checking out our FAQ page below, compiled from common questions from new skaters just like you!

Newbie Boot Camp!

Ready to stumble, tumble, and laugh your way into the wild world of roller derby? Come join us for a two-day bootcamp with fellow newbie skaters where falling becomes an art form.

Our coaches promise to teach you how to move forward, gracefully recover from a wipeout, and maybe even execute a trick or two, all while having a wheelie good time!